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Alphabetical List of Commands

"group"."label"Will return instances matching this label.
"group":"label"Will return labels matching this label. If an instance has 3 matches it will return the instance 3 times.
$BUTTON_IDreturns the button identifier
$COLUMNreturns the column the cell is in
$ROWreturns the row the cell is in
$THIS_BUTTONreturns the button name
ABSReturns the absolute value of a number
ADD LABELAdds a label to the current code. Returns 1 if successful. Returns 0 if no label was added
ANDif values are numbers: returns 1 if both values are not zero, otherwise returns 0. If using text then it is assumed that you are referring to labels and the return result will be instances from the timeline that contain both labels. "AND" is commonly used inside other commands (see IF, COUNT...) and can be combined with "OR" and "NOT"
BUTTONGrabs the output from another button using an identifier
BUTTON COLORChanges the background color of the current button
BUTTON NAMEGrabs the name from another button using an identifier
BUTTON OPACITYChanges the opacity of the current button
BUTTON STATEReturns 1 if button is down and 0 if button is up, in the code input window.
CEILINGReturns a number which has the number rounded up to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command
CELLGrabs the output from another cell in the window
CELL_COLORchanges the color of the cell
CELL_STRINGGrabs the output from another cell in the window as a string
CODEGrabs the output from another button using a name
CODE IDGrabs the identifier from another button using a name
COUNTWill count the number of labels in the timeline (including multiple ones in the same instance)
DECIMALReturns a string which has the number to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. The number is always rounded down
ENDWill give the latest end time of the labels or instances in the timeline in seconds. returns -1 if no instances
END TIMEwill return all instances that have the correct end time condition
EXITstops the rest of the cell from being executed
FLOORReturns a number which has the number rounded down to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. This is similar to the decimal command excepts that it returns a number and not a string. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command
FROMwill get instances from specified timelines. Not using this command will default to use front timeline
GROUPwill return all instances that have labels with this group name
HH:MM:SSSpecify the time in hours, minutes and seconds
IFExecutes the statement based on a condition
INDEXFinds the value from a range of cells with the given offset
INDEX OFWill give the index/position of the first match that contains an instance in the other instances (ordered by start times). returns 0 for not found, 1 = 1st instance etc...
INSTANCESWill return the instances in the timeline.
INSTANCES2Will return all the instances in the timeline between the red markers.
INSTANCE[x]Will return the 'x'th instance in the timeline based on start times.
LABELWill return a label in the timeline. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.
LABEL INWill return a label in the instances. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.
LABEL_IN_GROUPFilter instances on ranges of values of labels in a specified group.
LABELSWill return all the labels in the timeline. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.
LABELS INWill return all the labels in the instances. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.
LARGEFinds the nth largest value in the cell group
LENGTHWill give the length of labels in the timeline (including multiple ones in the same instance) in seconds
LIMITwill limit instances based on conditions
LOOKUPFinds a match for a given value in the first range, and then returns the value in the cell with the same relative position in the second range. Ranges cannot overlap or be of different sizes
MOVE BUTTON BACKMoves the button to the back of the code window
MOVE BUTTON FRONTMoves the button to the front of the code window
NOTif value is number: returns 1 if value is 0, otherwise returns 0. If using text then it is assumed that you are referring to labels and the return result will be instances from the timeline that do not contain the label. "NOT" is commonly used inside other commands (see IF, COUNT...) and can be combined with "AND" and "OR"
NOT OPENWill test whether a given timeline is currently not open
NUMBERReturns a number from the given string or instances
NUMBER COUNTCount of valid number in labels
OPENWill test whether a given timeline is currently open
ORif values are numbers: returns 1 if either value is not zero, otherwise returns 0. If using text then it is assumed that you are referring to labels and the return result will be instances from the timeline that contain either label. "OR" is commonly used inside other commands (see IF, COUNT...) and can be combined with "AND" and "NOT"
OUTPUT COLORChanges the text color for the output of the button
OVERLAPWill return instances from the given arguments that overlap for any part of the timeline. Opposite of the unique command
OVERLAP_LENGTHWill give the length of instances that overlap with another instance in the timeline in seconds
PUSH BUTTONPushes the button up/down in the code input window. If this is a label button then you only need to use DOWN
PUSH BUTTON DOWNPushes the button down
PUSH BUTTON DOWN WITH DELAYPushes the button down after a delay
PUSH BUTTON UPPushes the button up
PUSH BUTTON UP WITH DELAYPushes the button up after a delay
RANGEwill return all instances that have the correct range time condition
RANKFinds the rank of the value in the range
RENAMERenames the current button
RENAME GROUPRenames the group name for the current button. Only valid for buttons types that have groups i.e. Label buttons
ROUNDReturns a number which has the number rounded to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. It will round up or down depending on which is the closest digit. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command
ROWwill return all instances that are on these rows
ROW_COLORchanges the color of the row
ROW_NAMEReturns the row name from the front or specified timeline for the given index
SENDChanges the value of the button in the code input window with that button name
SEND BUTTON COLORChanges the background color of the button in the code input window with that button name
SEND TEXT COLORChanges the text color of the button in the code input window with that button name
SHOWOutputs the number, text or movies/instances to the cell
SMALLFinds the nth smallest value in the cell group
STARTWill give the earliest start time of the labels or instances in the timeline in seconds. returns -1 if no instances
START TIMEwill return all instances that have the correct start time condition
STRINGReturns a string from the given number or instances
SUMadds all the values in the cell group
TEXT COLORChanges the text color in the name of the button
TIMEwill return all instances that have the instance length condition
TIMERconverts the input in seconds to an hour based timer
TIMER2converts the input in seconds to a minute based timer
UNIQUEWill return instances from the given arguments that do not overlap for any part of the timeline. Opposite of the overlap command
UNIQUE RANKFinds the rank of the value in the range making sure it is unique
WHEREwill select certain instances based on conditions