Text Mode

Using text mode is very similar in its way of building up the search criteria to that of instances mode. However, text mode is designed to be used with transcription, statistical windows and label trees, so there are a few different options.

The first difference is the search target, only the front window or all open windows can be searched. This mode will not search a folder of files like instance mode.

Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 7.42.24 am
Fig 89L

The second difference is the data type options; Cell text, Cell script and Column title. These are the only types of data that can be searched for in this mode. Cell text will look for text that is contained a cell; this could be transcription or statistical output. Cell script will search the script that is attached to the cell. And Column title will search only in a given column name.

The last difference and most powerful aspect of text mode are the search options.

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Fig 89m

Like the instance mode; Ignore case, Ignore whitespace, Trim whitespace and Use wildcards are available. These are the heavy lifters for searching transcriptions particularly wildcards. Use the asterisk following or preceding a search string to find rows that might contain the data being hunted.

But, the real power of the text mode is the Generate results feature. By clicking the Generate results button, a window with the results will be generated. This work great for pulling out specific rows into a new window. To help keep transcription in context, rows before and after can be set to be included in the generate window. The proceeding and/or following rows will be included in the new window. It is often important in transcription analysis to find out what said before or after an utterance to better understand its meaning.

When simply finding text in a transcription window, any found text will be highlighted in the window using the color chosen in the color well, default is red. Options to Bold or Underline are also available.

To clean up the found text items, click on the Clear now button. All highlighted text will become unhighlighted. The Auto clear option can be ticked which will clean up previously found strings of text. Or, auto clear can be unticked and using the color well, multiple strings can be found and highlighted in different colors.