Add a Script

To add a script to a cell, press CTRL and click on a cell. Choose Edit script from the popup menu. This will open the script editor window.

Fig 111O
Fig 111P

After a script is added to a cell, the upper left corner of the cell will have a green triangle in it.

The scripting language and commands are quite difficult to master, but extremely powerful. Each command is documented in the “Help” menu where there is a full webpage devoted to it, or go to:
div class=”page” title=”Add a Script”>

Copy and Paste Rows and Columns with Scripts

Hold down OPTION and click and drag on the row number. This will create a duplicate row or column with all the scripts included. This is quite a time saver when creating rows or columns that will have the same data in them like player statistics.

Use Cell References

Use a cell as a data place holder for script referencing. Setup a column where the player names are inputted, then reference this column by its name or coordinates in a script. This makes changing data very easy because it can be changed in the cell, not the script.

In the script, create a variable that reads the reference cell’s data. $playername = cell(“Player”,$row)
show count “Handball” where row = $player

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 8.22.09 am

This variable will look to the player column in the same row and use this data in the script. By typing A.McGrath into the Player column cell, the script finds how many Handballs there were in the A.McGrath timeline row.

Copy to Excel

Data being displayed in the cells of a statistical window can be copied into Excel or any other spreadsheet program. Hold down COMMAND and click in the cell, then press COMMAND+C to copy the data to the clipboard. COMMAND+V will paste the data in the other application. A group of cells can be selected by holding down COMMAND, click in top left cell, then click in the bottom right cell of the group of cells to be copied.