Sorting Rows

Columns in the sorter window can be automatically sorted in 5 different ways. To access the sorting options, right click on the column header name cells

Fig 103
  1. Sort Ascending sorts the rows in alphabetical order from A-Z according to the data found in the column. Numbers will be sorted from lowest to the greatest number
  2. Sort Descending sorts the rows in reverse alphabetical order from Z-A according to the data found in the column. Numbers will be sorted from the greatest to the lowest number.
  3. Sort Frequency Ascending sorts the least frequent found text or number in the column and groups those at the top, the next least frequent found text or number is placed below this grouping. This pattern is followed through out the column of data.
  4. Sort Frequency Descending sorts the most frequent found text or number in the column and groups those at the top, the next most frequent found text or number is placed below this grouping. This pattern is followed through out the column of data.
  5. Sort All Rows by Movie Time sorts the rows according to the instance start time. This sorting option only works when clicking on the time reference column header.