Sorter Window Templates
Heavy users of the sorter window will have specific column arrangements, to make this process easier, a sorter window template can be created.
Open the template and paste the instances into it.
Create a sorter template using these steps:
- Export one instance into a sorter window.
- Arrange columns to desired template appearance and remove any unnecessary columns.
- Change the window type by clicking on the window type selector. This is the cell with the icon in it, 2 rows above the row number indicator for row 1. (Right below the print button)
- Select Sorter template from the list. The icon in the upper left will change.
- Delete the instance from row 1.
- Save and close the template.
- Open the template, switch it to sorter type window, choose some instances and press the sorter button in the timeline.
- All the instances will be exported into this template using only the columns found in the window.
- Save the sorter window.