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Presenting Instance Movies in Full Screen

Any timeline movie or instance movie can be presented in full screen. There are three ways to present a movie in full screen:

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Stop Presenting a Movie in Full Screen

To stop presenting a movie in full screen press the ESC key on the keyboard.

Loop Instance Playback

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Looping an instance repeats it continuously

  1. In the floating movie controller, select the Loop button.
  2. Play the movie.

Note: When the looping feature is turned on, the timeline movie will loop also. If the timeline is zoomed in, it will loop within the zoomed range.

  1. In the floating movie controller, click on the Volume control. Drag the control button to the desired volume.
  2. Use the Function keys on the keyboard to increase or decrease volume.

Resize Movie Window

  1. Select the movie window.
  2. Choose Reduce movie size or Increase movie size from the Windows menu in the main menu bar, or use the shortcut keys, SHIFT+COMMAND+, or SHIFT+COMMAND+

Note: A timeline movie has 2 resize icons in the bottom left of the window. These can be clicked to change the movie size also. If CONTROL is held down when these are clicked, the timeline and movie will arrange automatically.