
Fig 131

Opens up an existing project.

Fig 131A

Opens all the timelines in a folder.

Fig 131B

Opens up a recently opened project.

Fig 131C

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Can import an XML or other type of timeline to the package.

Fig 131D

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Fig 131G

Fig 131I

Fig 131J

Open a new function within SportsCode.

Fig 131K

The different options in new.

Fig 131L

Opens the communication to set up communication between computers.

Fig 131N

Where you have a timeline without a movie, this will link a movie and timeline together.

Fig 131O

Combines the timeline movies into one timeline.

Fig 131Q

Stacks the timeline.

Fig 131R

Merges open timeline windows.

Fig 131S

Puts a movie and a timeline into a package. This will keep all parts of the capture together.

Fig 131T

Save the file.

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Save the file as a different name or in a different location.

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A standalone package is a movie file with the movie itself and the timeline.

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A reference package is a timeline attached to a movie file on the computer. A reference package doesn’t work without the original movie package.

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Can make a movie from a folder a movies on the computer.

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Allows you to print.

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Gives you format options when you print.

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