Code Window Toolbar Buttons
Code Window Transparency
This is used mainly while coding in full screen. To increase the transparency of the code window, (make the code window MORE transparent,) click Label on the Up Arrow in the top left hand corner of the window next to the capture button. To decrease the transparency of the code window, click on the Down arrow.
This will open the capture window.
Use Code mode to code the timeline with your events at any time.
NOTE: Coding is at the point of the playhead in the timeline.
Use Label mode to add labels into instances in an existing timeline, i.e. after the capture has taken place.
Report mode with code windows is designed for reporting information using button scripting. In this mode, code and label buttons do not insert data into the timeline.
Edit mode builds your Code Window by creating buttons and labels and also to change button properties.
With a Timeline open, clicking this button in the Code Window allows you to quickly display a Matrix of selected buttons and Labels. Click and holding down the mouse button over the arrowhead symbol will reveal a drop down menu of functional options.
Actions Panel
Pressing the Enter button in Code or Capture mode will end all active code buttons. The short cut for this is the TAB key. This is a very convenient feature while live coding especially when multiple code buttons are active.
Pressing the Clear button in Code or Capture mode will stop the marking of an instance. The short cut for this in the ESC key. This is mostly used when accidentally hitting a code button during live coding.
Pressing the Reset button in Code or Capture mode will remove the last instance that was ended.
Code Button
In Edit mode, clicking and dragging from this button into the Code Window will create a new code button.
Label Button
In Edit mode, clicking and dragging from this button into the Code Window below will create a new label button. In Code mode, mouse over a label button to display the group (if any) which the label belongs to.
Pressing the keys button will reveal all the hotkeys that are set for each button when show keys option is unselected for the button and the hotkeys are not visible.
Pressing the left links button will hide the links between buttons. Pressing the middle button will portray the links below the buttons (this is the option illustrated.) Pressing the right button will portray the links above the buttons.
Clicking on the Settings button will reveal the Setting panel. Three options can be selected in the panel: Background image or color for the code window and Merge overlapping instances. When the ‘Merge overlapping Instances’ is selected, instances that overlap due to lead time will be merged into one instance.
Click this button to export an html webpage representation of the Code Window.
Clicking on the Execute will manually trigger all scripts in the buttons to be executed. This is useful when editing and testing scripting within the buttons.
Label Tree
The Label Tree button will generate a labels tree based on the all the label buttons found in the code window.
Batch Rename
If a button or group of buttons have been assigned a Button ID, then this button may be renamed individually or if a group, renamed en masse using a CSV file.