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GPSports Data

The GPSports import is a time based import using the time of day as timecode base. The timeline and xml produced by GPSports must be synced in order for the instances to match up. Use the timeline timecode procedures to alter the timeline timecode.Export an XML file from GPSports system.

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  1. Open timeline that corresponds with GPSport data
  2. Choose File > Import > GPSports data
  3. Choose the GPSports XML data file to import.
  4. The import settings dialog will open.

The import settings are based on creating instances using ranges of data found in heart rate and speed.

Heart Rate uses percentage of maximum heart rate found in the data file for the athlete.

Start by setting the bottom of the range, then work up the text boxes. The minimum range will become one greater than the maximum set for the range below it.

The actual heart ranges are displayed automatically according to percentage.

Speed uses the data found in each sample in the XML file. This is a tag in the GPSports XML file.

Start by setting the bottom of the range, then work up the text boxes. The minimum range will become one greater than the maximum set for the range below it.

The range names can be set by typing in the text boxes to the left of the ranges. The names will be used in the name of the row. This makes it easier to identify the speeds in the timeline.

The results produce a gross timeline graph of the Speed and HR changes throughout the game.

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