Mirror Codes

The Mirror Codes feature is designed to copy a movie package that is being captured to another computer or from another computer as the capturing process is taking place. This saves time copying the movie package after completing capture since all the movie package contents are being synchronized until the capture is complete. As each movie part is captured and added to the package, mirror codes will copy this to the chosen destination package. The synchronization of files include: the timeline data file as it is being coded, all movie parts, and the timeline share files. If SportsCode Elite is being used to capture, the mirroring package can be opened as a timeline share file.

Packages can be mirrored over a network or to local external drives. We recommend using an ethernet network and to initiate the mirroring from the desired destination computer, thus pulling the file from the capture computer. This helps reduce load on the capture computer and should take care of any permissions problems. See the Setting Up the Network part in Timeline Sharingsection of this manual for networking help.

  • Once the network is all setup and the destination computer can reach the capturing file over the network, start capturing on the capture computer, saving the package in the shared network folder.
  • On the destination computer, Choose Capture > Mirror codes to start mirroring. A finder window will appear, this is the target selection dialog box, choose the capturing package as the target and click on the Choose package button
  • The next dialog box to appear is the destination folder location and file name. Input a filename and select a folder location to save the package in and then click on Start copy button. The Mirror codes status window will open showing the progress of copy / synchronization process.
  • Once capture is ended, the Mirror codes process will also complete after double checking all the file contents to make sure that the process has completed properly. A message box will pop up indicating the process has completed and the process can be stopped.
  • If Append capture is being used, do not quit the mirroring process when the capture complete message pops up. Simply, click OK and let Mirror codes sit idle, once the Append capture process is started, Mirror codes will pick up where it left off and continue to copy – synchronize the packages.