General Settings

Video Source : Reflects the attached video sources. Facetime Camera will always be present and any other sources will be listed below it.

Video Format : Reflects the formats available for the video source selected. Frame/sec : Reflects the output selected from the recording device or interface box.

Proportions : Nominally, “From Device” is required. Special cases, i.e. the use of ADVC-55 with a wide screen input, will require the proportion setting 16 x 9 to be selected.


Audio Format : Choose the compression settings that you require.

Capture Preset : This is the list of presets available in the presets pane. Will include any personal presets that you have defined.

Audio Channels : Select the number of channels you require.

Movie Segments

Single Movie : Check this box to to capture to a single file in the movie package. When this option is selected a timeline is not created, so no real time analysis such as coding or timeline sharing can take place.

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recommend saving captured movie packages as standalone packages after capture.

Minimum movie segments (5 seconds) – This is important for timeline sharing as it is readied for access by the timeline share process as quickly as possible. When a code button has ended, it signals the capture window to end the current movie part that is being captured in order to allow access to the latest captured video part in the timeline. So, if the setting of a code button was ended after 5 seconds of a movie part starting and this setting is set to 1 minute, it will take another 55 seconds for the movie part to be ended and ready for viewing in the timeline. We recommend using 30 seconds for default duration and 10 seconds for minimum duration settings when using timeline share. Otherwise, use the default settings.