WIMU Cloud 2.0.7
What did we improve?
- Acute:Chronic: we have documented the calculation processes for all the Acute:Chronic visualisations:
- Acute:Chronic (widget).
- Acute:Chronic Data Table (widget).
- Acute:Chronic (static report).
- Match Day Extended (static report).
- Password Management: improved security around the password reset link by requiring users to validate their username when resetting their password.
What did we fix?
- Fixed an issue with exporting the Players JSON file (SS Config) from the Team Profile.
- Fixed an issue in the Chart widget where the values changed when the user sorted the players by a metric with the comparator activated.
- Fixed an issue in the Acute:Chronic Data Table widget where the Grid and Heatmap views displayed different values for the same player and day.
- Fixed an issue in the Acute:Chronic Data Table widget where the Heatmap view displayed different values for the same player and day when the end date changed.
- Fixed an issue in the Microcycle static report where the date filter was not working.
- Fixed an issue in the Sessions menu where the Disabling Intervals Table function was not working.
- Environment Specific fixes:
- Fixed an issue in the Sessions menu (Mediacoach environment) where the trainer accounts could only access the last 5 sessions.
- Fixed an issue in the API Players query (Mexico environment) to only return Players belonging to the user.
- Fixed an issue in the API Informs query (Mexico environment) to export all the players participating in the session.