Hudl Sportscode Comparison

Capture Video

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Local Capture (AVFoundation)

Capture local video live directly into Hudl Sportscode.

IP Capture

Capture video from an IP video stream directly in Hudl Sportscode.

Multi-Angle IP Capture

Capture multiple angles of IP video streams in Hudl Sportscode.

*Add-on required

Custom Capture Presets

Create custom video and audio encoding presets.

Live Share to Sportscode

Share your Hudl Sportscode packages over a local network while live capturing.

Live Share to Replay

Review video and data captured in Hudl Sportscode on the Hudl Replay app in real-time.

*Add-on required

Live Viewing of Video and Data

View live Sportscode video and data captured using Elite.

Collaborative Coding

Collaborate across multiple machines by exchanging video and data live from multiple packages on a local network.

Append Capture

Captured video is added to the end of an existing package.

Live Streaming Sessions

Livestream a capture to other Sportscode users—meaning analysts can now conveniently code games from any location.

Shared Timeline

Users of Live Streaming Sessions can now collaborate in real time, across one shared timeline, when analysing live games and practices.

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Import Video

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Import in Sequence

Ability to import multiple video files at once in a specified order.

Import and Stack

Import multiple angles of video simultaneously.

Import Additional Period

Editing of an existing package to add additional video.

Import Additional Angle

Editing of an existing package to add additional angles of video.

Align Angles

Align multiple angles of video in a single package.

Combine Timelines

Allows you to combine multiple timelines as a new standalone package.

Upgrade Video Package from v11

Import and upgrade older Sportscode packages to Hudl Sportscode.

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Upload/​Export Video

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Export Multi-Angle Playlist

Export a video with multiple angles from a playlist for external playback.

Export Selected Clips

Export selected clips as a video for external playback.

Export Selected Instances/Clips - One File

Export selected instances as a single file for external playback.

Export Selected Instances/Clips - Separate Files

Export selected instances as a separate file for external playback.

Export Video from Timeline

Export the whole video or individual instances from a timeline.

Export Video from Organizer

Export a video from an organizer with the ability to embed titles, drawings, and title slides.

Export Video from Sorter

Export a video from a sorter with the ability to embed titles, drawings, and title slides.

Live Share Output Window (HTML Export)

Live share an output report over a network with numerical values.

Live Share Output Window with video (HTML Export)

Live share an output report over a network with video and numerical values.

Post Share Timeline (Sportstec Player Export)

Export a timeline for offline viewing on iOS devices.

Post Share Output Window (Sportstec Player Export)

Export an output report for offline viewing on iOS devices.

Upload Multi-Angle Playlist

Export a playlist with multiple angles to Hudl.

Upload Slides/Titles/Effects

Export a playlist with slides, titles, or effects to Hudl.

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Capture Mode

Code live during a game using capture mode.

Code Mode on Timeline

Code in Sportscode with existing video or on a delay when live.

Report Mode on Timeline/Database

View results of output reports in the code window.

Full Screen Code Mode

Over­lay your code win­dow on a full screen movie, mak­ing it eas­i­er to see and code the action.

Live Notes

Add notes to instances when coding.

Code Notes on Activation/Deactivation

Choose to add your notes on either activation or deactivation of code buttons.

Activation/Deactivation Links

Enhance coding by automatically activating or deactivating buttons in the code window.

Exclusive Link

Allows only one button to be active in a series, such as Offense and Defense. Additionally, it can link specific labels to designated codes.

Batch Rename

Rename mul­ti­ple but­tons in a Sportscode code win­dow in one step.

Label Buttons

Labels add additional context to your existing code buttons.

Labels Mode on Timeline/Database

Add labels to existing instances on your timeline for additional detail.

Alternate Names

Easily rename buttons from a custom defined list.

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Import Data

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Import Sportscode XML

Import XML files from third party providers or from another Sportscode timeline.

Merge Overlapping Instances

Merge instances that overlap each other in the timeline during import.

Import Synergy

Import Synergy video and data exported from the Synergy Editor.

Import Opta Football

Import Opta Football files into a timeline.

Import Opta Rugby

Import Opta Rugby files into a timeline.

Import Champion Data AFL

Import Champion Data AFL files into a timeline.

Import DFL

Import DFL XML files into a timeline.

Live Import Sportscode XML (eg. Coda)

Live import XML from an iCoda session or other live data set.

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Export Data

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Export XML

Export Sportscode timeline data into an XML file.

Export CSV

Export Sportscode timeline, matrix, or playlist data into a CSV.

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Video Player

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Multi-Angle Video Player

Playback multiple angles of video.


Trim or extend instances of video in the timeline.

Playback Controls

Utilize built in playback controls for the video player.

Flagging from Timeline

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the timeline.

Flagging from Organizer

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the organizer.

Flagging from Sorter

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the sorter.

Flagging from Database

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the database.

Flagging from Find Window

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the find window.

Flagging from Output Window

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send to playlists from the output window.

Flagging Send to Organizer

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send playlists to the organizer.

Flagging Send to Sorter

Use hotkeys to flag instances, create notes and send playlists to the sorter.

Flagging Add Notes

Add notes when flagging.

Flagging Pause on Notes

When flagging instances with notes, the video player will pause until the note is entered.

Overlay Text

View the code name, labels, and notes on top of the video for the selected instance.

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Analysis — Timeline

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The host for all codes, labels, and tools for working with the Sportscode package.

Multiple Timelines

Utilize multiple timeline files in the same package for different sets of data or breakdown.

Trim/Extend/Merge from Timeline

Edit the length of instances from the timeline using keyboard shortcuts.

Trim/Extend/Merge from Video Player

Edit the length of instances from video player edit mode.

Add/Delete/Duplicate Rows

The ability to add, delete, or duplicate instances on a timeline.

New Merged Row - Merge

Merge multiple rows in the timeline together.

Sort Rows

Sort rows by color, name, or number of instances.

Edit Row Color

Edit the color of a row in your timeline.

Edit Row Name

Edit the name of a row in your timeline.

Instance Adjustments

Adjust the length of multiple instances at once or shift instances left or right.

Duplicate Instances

Duplicate selected instances to a row within your timeline.

Align Data with Playhead

Sync data aligned with the playhead in the timeline.

Timeline Edit Labels/Notes

Edit notes or labels on the fly within the timeline.

*Gamebreaker Notes Only

Edit Labels Window

Edit labels and notes within your timeline in a single window for individual instances.

Timeline - Strip Instances of Labels and Notes

Strip the timeline data of labels and instance notes.

*Gamebreaker Notes Only

Game Time

View and analyse game time in pre & post match workflow by extracting it from the on-screen clock within footage feeds.

Timeline Row Operations

Create new rows based on if instances intersect, unify or invert.

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Analysis — Matrix

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Find the intersection between your codes, labels, and label groups.

Matrix Video Player

Play specific instances from a Matrix by selecting specific cells.

Matrix Switch Axes

View the Matrix with labels on the left panel or x-axis.

Matrix Send to Organizer/Sorter

Send selected instances from the Matrix to a playlist.

*Pro Review and Pro, Organizer Only

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Multi-Game Analysis

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Database - Sorter View

View a database in a sorter-based view.

Database - Code View

View a database in a traditional, code-based view.

Create Database

Send coded instances from the timeline to a database.

Standalone/Reference Databases

Create a large database by referencing original packages or create a standalone for a larger database within the need for the original packages.

Edit Labels and Notes in a Database

Edit instance notes and labels in the database.

Instance Adjustments on a Database

Trim and extend instances within the database.

Database - Strip Instances of Labels and Notes

Strip the database data of labels and instance notes.

Find Instances with Labels

Use the find window to locate codes that have labels.

Find Instances - Send to Organizer/Sorter

Send instances from the find window to a playlist.

*Pro Review and Pro, Organizer Only

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Create quick, effective presentations using the organizer.


Create detailed, analytical presentations using the Sorter.

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Text Effects

Add text annotations to your playlists.

Lines, Arrows and T-Bars

Add lines, arrows, and t-bars to your playlists.


Use the freehand tool to draw on your playlists.

Ellipses and Rectangles

Add circles or rectangles to your playlists.

Telestration (drawing during presentation)

While playing in full screen, Telestration mode temporarily enables drawing on video which disappears when playback resumes.

Studio (Telestration)

Advanced graphics and telestration with automatic tracking of moving objects.

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Code Window Scripting

Create a customized report window to review next level stats.

Code Window Action Buttons

A code button that utilizes Sportscode scripting for various actions such as playback of specified video.


Bar, Column, Stacked Bar, Stacked Column and Pie Charts can now be created in Code Windows. All chart values can be set to display linked video using the new chart scripting command.

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