Retired basketball coach Mark Seeberg dives into 3‑pointers and how they have — and haven’t — changed college basketball.
Overall scoring today is still five points lower than its high forty-nine years ago.
The most telling trend of all—one largely ignored by the media—isn’t the decline in the total number of points scored, but in the number of field goals attempted and made. If you watched a typical college game last season, you saw about the same number of baskets as your father or grandfather saw back in the early 1950s (an era when many players were still shooting one and two-handed set shots).
Wondering what has changed? The definition of a midrange jumper. Many popular analytic sites use “play-by-play” game logs as their fundamental source of information. Unfortunately, play-by-play logs compress all shot attempts into three locations, starting with the two extremes: shots at the rim and three-pointers. Everything in between is considered a midrange jump shot. A 12’ baby jumper is statistically treated the same as a shot attempt just inside the arc.
Most teams today have a no midrange game. In fact, several generations of players have come and gone without ever mastering a 12’ jumper or simple bank shot from the wing. The vast majority of today’s young coaches never played in the midrange themselves, have no knowledge of how to coach it, and don’t understand the sets and schemes that produce it.
Once today’s guards get into an area 10’- 15’ feet from the basket, they force their way to the rim and if denied, attempt to pitch the ball to the outside in hopes of a 3-pointer. It’s all predetermined because they lack the confidence to pull up in traffic and hit the short jumper. There’s no third option. Defenses, of course, aren’t stupid. They invite the midrange pull-up by taking away the either/or game, forcing the attacker to take the one shot he is coached to avoid, he seldom practices, and has no confidence in making.
Here’s an interesting experiment.
Take any given college game and convert its 3-point field goals to their pre-1986 value of two. In other words, pretend the 3-point arc doesn’t exist. No matter where you are on the floor, you get two points for every shot you make.
What happens to the outcome of the game? Does the winner still win?
On the heels of this year’s postseason tourney, I ran this experiment. And guess what? The winners and losers stayed the same.