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Lacrosse Hudl Recruiting

Tips to Gain Attention from College Lacrosse Recruiters

3 min Read

College coaches provide insights into what it takes for high school lacrosse players to get noticed

A coach’s day involves preparing for their next opponent, filling out practice sheets, checking on their athlete’s grades and attendance and watching their own team’s video. With all of that on their plate, it’s a wonder coaches ever have time to watch incoming highlights from prospective recruits.

Maximizing time is something all coaches strive for, so creating a highlight that fits neatly into their schedule is the best for both the coach and the athlete hoping to be recruited.

We talked to Tanya Kotowicz of Quinnipiac University and Bill Gorrow from Wesley College about what they look for in an athlete’s video and how to get noticed by college coaches.

More Than Just Scoring

Both coaches agree that the best way to get noticed is to be active in your highlight video. It’s great that you can score goals, but what did you do to score that goal?

“I like more game footage and not just goals for offensive players or defenders carrying the ball,” Gorrow said. “I like to see the entire play on offense and to see individual team offense and defense.”

The old adage of working hard seems outdated, but it remains true. College teams are families, and coaches want athletes that are willing to buy into that mentality.

“Play because you love the game, not because you’re expected or expecting to get a scholarship,” Kotowicz said. “You will end up miserable and no one wants a miserable teammate/player.”

“We look for character first in that we want young men who possess high values and morals and who strive to serve their teammates and not just look for glory for themselves, but rather look to see how they can assist their teammates in being great,” Gorrow added.

Think about Body Language

Everyone remembers their coach yelling this when things are going bad, but it’s a key component college coaches look for. Things won’t always go well, and coaches need to know how prospective athletes respond.

“Actions always speak louder than words for us,” Kotowicz said. “Seeing how a player reacts to a mistake is important to our staff. Attitude controls everything necessary to be successful.”

“Is he unselfish and is he a hard worker with a great motor who does all the little things well?” Gorrow asked.

These include anything from hustle plays to passing the ball around to teammates, even how the athlete reacts after a turnover. Coaches need to know they can count on everyone when things hit a rough patch.

Get on It!

Unlike football or basketball teams, college lacrosse teams typically have smaller staffs, so finding time to watch videos can be difficult. It’s great to get your video out as fast as you can, but coaches have to prioritize grade levels and seasons.

“We really only have the staff that can concentrate on two classes at once so we are now finishing our 2017 grad class and beginning our 2018 class,” Gorrow explained. “I prefer the end of the season and then one from their summer club season that can be updated with fall recruiting club tournaments as well.”

That thought gives athletes an opportunity to add more than just high school video to their highlight video. Club video is just as important as the video from the high school season. Both coaches said they reach out to everyone to make sure they have the right fit for their team, so include all of that information in your highlight video or your e-mail when you reach out to them.

Coaches won’t wait for athletes to find them, as Gorrow notes.

“Be proactive,” he said. “There are more players out there than there are roster spots on college teams, so promote yourself and get noticed.”

To find out how to create premium highlights from your season, head here to begin the process. Also, don’t forget to share what you’ve made.

Ready to learn the ins and outs of the recruiting process?

Check out our College Recruiting Guide for Athletes.