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Football Assist Hudl Coaching

Edit Breakdown Data with Your iPad

1 min Read

Football coaches now have the ability to edit breakdown data with an iPad. Whether you’re making one small tweak to a statistic, changing column sets or adding new details, it’s all available on the go.

We know you value data, and the need to analyze those stats could come up at any moment. That’s why football coaches now have the ability to edit breakdown data with an iPad. Whether you’re making one small tweak to a statistic, changing column sets or adding new details, it’s all available on the go.

Once you log in to the Hudl app, select the game you want to edit and follow these steps:

  1. Above the columns, tap Edit Data.

2. Tap within any field to add or edit that piece of data.

3. Tap Done Editing when you’re finished - and voilà! Your stats are updated.

Check this video to see it in action:

To be clear, any changes made with your iPad will automatically sync to Hudl when connected to Wi-Fi. You can still edit data without an internet connection, the changes just won’t sync until you connect later.

While this feature is great for editing data columns and making a few fixes, we don’t recommend it as the primary way to enter data. Instead, you can use Tag a Game and save hours by tracking stats live. It’s a free feature on the iOS app that allows you to walk off the field with 28 columns of breakdown data complete.

If you have any questions reach out to our support team.