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Capture from a Fixed IP Camera into Sportscode

1 min Read

Our latest update to Sportscode V11 gives analysts the ability to capture and code live footage from fixed IP cameras.

Recently, we updated Sportscode Elite Version 11 to allow you to capture and code video from a single angle IP camera through the Capture menu Sportscode Elite-licensed laptop. This update provides a more streamlined way to capture video from a fixed camera setup.

Adding cameras to your training grounds, practice facilities or stadiums is a great way to control the angle you’d like to capture, allowing you to get impossible or impractical angles you wouldn’t be able to get without a the help of a lift and tripod.

And because you can code from anywhere you have an ethernet connection, you can operate wherever you need to be.

If you don’t have cameras set up in your facility, or are interested in an IP camera solution, connect with our team and we’ll help you find a solution that works best for your workflow.

Here is how to access the feature:

  1. From the menu, select Capture → IP Capture
    1. The capture window will open, showing you a preview of the last feed you captured. It will be black if this is the first ever IP capture.
    2. Click the + to add a new feed
  2. Configure your RTSP feeds (feed address, username and password) via the inspector.
  3. Start recording using the buttons on the floating controller in the capture window.
  4. Just like normal, you can code live or after recording.

Having success capturing from your IP cameras? Show us your setup by using #Sportscode on Twitter and mentioning @HudlAnalysis. We’d love to see what you’re working with.

Reach out to our team if you have any questions while getting set up, or if you are interested in upgrading to Sportscode Version 11