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Numerical Commands



Returns the absolute value of a number

Format: ABS (number)

Arguments: number: numerical expression

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show abs(-5*2)
Returns 10


Returns a number which has the number rounded up to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command

Format: CEILING (number ,number of digits)

Arguments: number: numerical expression number of digits: if positive the number of digits to show at the right of the decimal point. If negative the number of digits to the left of the decimal point starting at tens. If 0 no decimal placing will be left

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show CEILING (34.23001, 2)
Returns 34.24

show CEILING (3423.456, -2)
Shows 3500

show decimal ( CEILING(0.1,0) ,2)
Shows 1.00


Returns a string which has the number to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. The number is always rounded down

Format: DECIMAL (number ,number of digits)

Arguments: number: numerical expression number of digits: if positive the number of digits to show at the right of the decimal point. If negative the number of digits to the left of the decimal point starting at tens. If 0 no decimal placing will be left

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show DECIMAL (34.235, 2)
Shows 34.23

show DECIMAL (3423.456, -2)
Shows 3400

show DECIMAL ( round(0.499,0) ,2)
Shows 0.00


Returns a number which has the number rounded down to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. This is similar to the decimal command excepts that it returns a number and not a string. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command

Format: FLOOR (number ,number of digits)

Arguments: number: numerical expression number of digits: if positive the number of digits to show at the right of the decimal point. If negative the number of digits to the left of the decimal point starting at tens. If 0 no decimal placing will be left

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show FLOOR (34.235, 2)
Returns 34.23

show FLOOR (3423.456, -2)
Shows 3400

show decimal ( FLOOR(0.999,0) ,2)
Shows 0.00


Specify the time in hours, minutes and seconds

Format: HH:MM:SS

Arguments: HH: hours MM: minutes SS: seconds

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count instances where start time > 00:01:01.45
Show a count of all the instances that have a start time greater than 1 minute, 1.45 seconds


Returns a number from the given string or instances

Format: NUMBER (string) OR NUMBER (instances) OR NUMBER (instances , group_name) OR NUMBER (instances , index) OR NUMBER (instances , group_name, index)

Arguments: string: a string that can be converted to a number. An empty string "" will convert to 0. Spaces are allowed. instances: instances that are to be searched for labels containing numbers. No label computations to create instances allowed (precompute instances into a variable and use that variable) group name: Only labels with this group name will be searched for numbers index: The Nth number to use (1 = first, 2 = second...). Negative values will count from end (-1 = last). 0 is not valid

Available: Available for all windows Version: 10 and later


show NUMBER (" -5 ") + 8
Shows 3

show NUMBER ("")
Shows 0

show NUMBER ("3e")
Will produce an error

show NUMBER (instances)
Shows a number from the first label with a valid number

show NUMBER (instances,"player")
Shows a number from the first label with a group name "player" that has a valid number

show NUMBER ($a,2)
Shows a number from the second label with a valid number in it, that have been stored in the instances represented by $a

show NUMBER (instance[1],"player",-1)
Shows a number from the last label with a group name "player" that has a valid number in it, in the first instance of the timeline


Count of valid number in labels

Format: NUMBER COUNT (instances) OR NUMBER COUNT (instances , group_name)

Arguments: instances: instances that are to be counted for labels containing numbers. No label computations to create instances allowed (precompute instances into a variable and use that variable) group name: Only labels with this group name will be counted

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show NUMBER COUNT (instances)
Shows how many labels with a valid number

show NUMBER COUNT (instances,"player")
Shows how many labels with a group name "player" that have a valid number

show NUMBER COUNT ($a)
Shows how many labels with a valid number, that have been stored in the instances represented by $a

show NUMBER COUNT (instance[1],"player")
Shows how many labels with a group name "player" that has a valid number in it, in the first instance of the timeline


Returns a number which has the number rounded to the specified number of digits from the decimal point. It will round up or down depending on which is the closest digit. If you need to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point use the decimal command

Format: ROUND (number ,number of digits)

Arguments: number: numerical expression number of digits: if positive the number of digits to show at the right of the decimal point. If negative the number of digits to the left of the decimal point starting at tens. If 0 no decimal placing will be left

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show ROUND (34.235, 2)
Returns 34.24

show ROUND (3423.456, -2)
Returns 3400

show decimal ( ROUND(0.499,0) ,2)
Shows 0.00


Returns a string from the given number or instances

Format: STRING (number) OR STRING (instances , group_name)


number: a numerical expression

instances: instances that are to be searched for labels in the specified group

group_name: Only labels with this group name will be searched

Available: number format available for all windows, instances format available for code windows only

Version: number format available on version 10 and later, instances format available on version 11.2.7 and later


show STRING (3 + 2) + 2

Shows 52

$play = instances where row = "Possession" limit -1, 1

show STRING ($play,”Play”)

Shows the first label with a group name “Play” in the last instance in row "Possession"